What are Fleet Inspections-Why Are They So Important

Maintenance is one of the critical components of fleet operations. It keeps the fleet in good condition so that they can contribute to the profitability of the business. The managers carry out preventive maintenance to prevent any long-lasting and costly repairs. Modern vehicle tracking system helps them a lot in doing so. The importance of inspections in maintenance is undeniable. They are necessary to examine the working of every vehicle to ensure safe trips. In this blog, we will discuss the fleet inspections and their importance in detail. What are Fleet Inspections? Fleet inspections are the examination of all the vehicles included in the fleet to check their fitness. There are various types of inspections ranging from pre-trip brief ones to detailed ones. They are an integral part of a fleet manager’s job and cannot be underestimated. Why are they important? The inspections are the mandatory practice for the managers and an essential element of prevent...